About the Journal

The International Journal of Special Education publishes original articles concerning special education. Experimental, as well as, theoretical articles are sought from all over the world. Authors are encouraged to submit reviews of research, historical and philosophical reviews in addition to evidence based data of the effectiveness of innovative approaches.

The content, organization and style of reporting should follow the current version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Tables and Figures:
Tables and Figures should be inserted in the text at the appropriate places.

The article should not exceed 16 pages, single spaced.

Use Word

Title page:
The title page should contain the title of the article, the names of the authors and their professional affiliations.

A brief abstract of the article should precede the Introduction to the topic at hand. Articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board . The review is blind and impartial.

You can submit your Manuscripts via online through this link or in case of any difficulties you can also send Manuscripts to the e-mail editor@internationaljournalofspecialeducation.com

Articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board. The review is blind and impartial.

Journal Listings
Annotated and Indexed by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and gifted children for publication in the monthly print index, Current Index to Journals of Special Education, (CIJE) and the Quarterly Index, Exceptional Child Education Resources (ECER). The IJSE is also indexed by the Education Index (EDI).

Whenever an inquiry is made about the article, please, include the full title of the article.