Elements of Teacher Quality for Islamic Education Teacher in Malaysia


  • Azwani Masuwai, Hafizhah Zulkifli, Ab. Halim Tamuri


teacher quality; Islamic education teacher; teacher; documents


The study aims to analyse reference documents related to teacher quality for teachers in Malaysia particularly. The documents studied in this paper are Standard Kualiti Pendidikan Malaysia Gelombang 2 (SKPMg2), Cross Curriculum Element of Standard Based Curriculum for Secondary School (KSSM) and Malaysian Teacher Standard (MTS). The document analysis produced five important elements of teacher quality that are related to the personality, skills, social relationship, knowledge and teaching skills of the teacher. These findings are important to establish the aim of the teacher to set their goals with given recommendations for actions to achieve those standards based on value-added elements applied and specified in the content standards. All the actions suggested are related to the competencies that need to be achieved by the teachers for their personal and career development. Islamic Education Teacher as a knowledgeable person should be empowered by all these elements as suggested to be a quality teacher for life-long learning


