Program Evaluation on Urban Agriculture Malaysia: A Review of Evaluation Studies Using Cipp Evaluation Model Approach


  • Munifah Siti Amira Yusuf, Norsida Man, Nur Bahiah Haris, Ismi Arif Ismail, Amar Maruf


urban agriculture, program evaluation, evaluation model, CIPP Model


Background: Urban agriculture is described as all types of agricultural production (food and non-food products) that occur within or around cities. Currently, the lockdown and threat of a global pandemic has turned a lot of people especially urban dwellers who previously may have depended solely on supermarkets for their food into gardeners and would-be farmers overnight. This happened to prevent shortage of food and to ensure food supplies closer to home with nutritious food. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry Malaysia (MAFI) government has introduced the urban agriculture program to address the issue of land shortage for agriculture, besides enabling the people to venture into the agricultural sector by using the existing space for food production as well as generating additional income.

Methods: A review has been conducted on urban agriculture studies globally and evaluation studies. The researcher examined few evaluation approaches in evaluation studies that suit to be conducted for urban agriculture program evaluation.

Results: The reviewed demonstrated that on the majority outcomes measures on urban agriculture is not focusing on evaluation studies. The most frequent methodological conducted were lack of evaluation study design. There was also an absence of globally reviewed and method approach to evaluate has been done.

Conclusions: Further, due to a lack of program evaluation in urban agriculture program, little is also known about the CIPP Evaluation model to be used in the urban agriculture research area. Therefore, this article aims to bridge a gap in knowledge, methodological and understanding of evaluation study and approaches in urban agriculture research area


