The Recent Trends on The Speaking Skills with Storytelling Approach


  • Khasturi Ramalingam, Yeo Kee Jiar


storybook app; children; mobile application; reading; primary school.


Students' inability to communicate is due to a variety of factors, including a limited vocabulary, a dearth of speaking opportunities, and a dearth of engaging instructional strategies. Stories have been said as a heritage of future generations. Many articles on storytelling to enhance speaking skills and technology integration in education for children have been published recently; however, there is a lack of research that examines storytelling with technology integration to enhance speaking abilities and its future direction. Therefore, this article will review the current trend and pattern of usability of storytelling approach for children. Thus, the aim of this thematic review is to synthesise literature on the storytelling approach from 2017 to 2021. ATLAS.ti.8 is employed to analyse and interpret the data in this article. A keyword search yielded 65 peer-reviewed journal articles, which were then filtered utilising inclusion criteria from Web of Science and SCOPUS databases. However, only 37 publications were utilised as the final articles to be assessed following the exclusion and inclusion procedure. A thematic review of these articles determined 17 initial codes expressing storytelling approach in the speaking skills, grouped in five themes: language skills, communication, pedagogical strategy, attributes characteristics and learning tools. To help children improve their communication abilities and incorporate technology into their education, these findings offer a new framework for storytelling research. This research benefits future researchers focusing on “speaking skills” and “storytelling” integration of technology approach in education.


