Antecedents of Student’s Efficacy in Revert Education Class : The Effect of Teacher’s Skills as Mentors and Class Environment


  • Mohd Afandi Mat Rani, Syahrul Deen Ahmad Rosli, Mohd Izzat Amsyar Mohd Arif, Faezy Adenan4, Siti Sarah Izham, Shahirah Said, Murihah Abdullah


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Teachers play a huge role in the development of students and the personal formation of a person. The role of the teacher is not only to play the role of imparting knowledge and skills to students, but responsible for nurturing students' interests and developing their talents and abilities. The objective of this study is to discuss the effectiveness of convert education and its relationship with teachers' skills as mentors and the classroom environment on the effectiveness of students. This study uses quantitative analysis method through Partial Lease Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach conducted through Smart PLS analysis engine.The sampling of this study is based on direct convenience sampling, with the survey form distributed to the participants of the convert class and filled through the online system. A total of 245 participants in the convert education class answered the questions and met the sampling requirements of this study. Further validity analysis was conducted to obtain validity in terms of convergence validity and discriminant validity. With high validity values, further R-Square and path coefficient analysis were conducted to obtain a significant level between Teacher’s skills and performance as mentors (TSP) and Class Environment (CM) with Student’s Efficacy (SE) as a dependent variable. The results of this study found that TSP and CM both have a significant influence on student’s efficacy. This study suggests that more in-depth studies on the ecosystem of post-training convert empowerment in ensuring that they are able to survive in the norms around them, in terms of self-confidence, moral support, economy and so on.


