Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Emotional Dysregulation among Individuals with Drug Dependence


  • Syeda Razia Bukhari, Tayyaba Khatoon, Fatima Fayyaz


The study aimed to explore the relationship between Childhood Trauma and Emotional Dysregulation among individuals with drug dependence.The study used a correlational research design to determine how closely the study variables are connected; sample was 100 participants from the clinical setting. CTQ-SF (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form) with 28 items (Bernstein et al., 2003), Difficulties in emotion regulation scale (Gratz& Roemer, 2004), Childhood Trauma positively associated with Emotional Dysregulation i.e., .44*. It is concluded that childhood trauma experiences made people more prone of maladaptive coping to control their emotions. The study findings can apply to understand the role of Childhood trauma in Emotional Dysregulation which can help in Enhancing emotion control in this population.


