The Role of Elementary School Teachers in the Formation of Nation and Character Building for Grade 6 Students in Social Studies at Ciputat 4 Public Elementary School, South Tangerang City, Banten


  • Ajat Sudrajat, Awiria, Ujang Jamaludin, Elan, Ratna Sari Dewi


Students must be able to implement Pancasila values ​​as a view of life so that nation and character building students can be formed, this can be done in various ways and institutions, one of which is in school through social studies teachers. The purpose of this study is to obtain in-depth information data on the role of social studies Teachers in forming students' nation and character building. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative through the form of case studies. The techniques used in collecting data are observation, interviews, and documentation. The conclusion is the role that has been carried out by social studies teachers in the formation of students' nation and character building, has been running well and effectively. This can be seen from the role that has been carried out by social studies teachers, such as giving advice, counseling, and sanctions to troubled students, as in the case of students who are often late, lazy ceremonies, selfish, skipping, student grouping, and religious fanaticism.


