The Effect of Career Development Practices and Organizational Justice on Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Retention


  • Sumardi, Hapzi Ali, Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi


In the current era of globalization, the role of humans in an organization is still dominant, although for certain types of work it has been widely replaced by an information technology-based system. Given the important role of humans (employees/employees) in an organization, management must be able to manage it appropriately, so that experienced and professional human resources do not move or turnover to other organizations. This article reviews Career Development Practices and Organizational Justice on Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Retention. A Study of Human Resource Management Literature. The results of this research library are that: 1) Career Development Practices have an effect on Perceived Organizational Support; 2) Organizational Justice has an effect on Perceived Organizational Support; 3) Career Development Practices affect Employee Retention; 4) Organizational Justice has an effect on Employee Retention; and 5) Perceived Organizational Support has an effect on Employee Retention.


