Challenges of Online Learning Management of Al-Quran and Fardu Ain Class (Kafa) During the Covid-19


  • Shofiyyah Moidin, Mohd Asmadi Yakob, Amiratul Munirah Yahaya, Murihah Abdullah, Hajarul Bahti Zakaria


Challenges; Al-Quran and Fardhu Ain Class (KAFA); Online Learning; Pandemic


The challenges of living in a diverse society requires the administrator to coordinate the delivery of this fundamental islamic knowledge through the Al-Quran and Fardhu Ain Class (KAFA). KAFA, which is usually executed face-to-face in islamic schools, had to go through changes and carried out online due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) to curb the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. Thus, this article aims to discuss the challenges of managing KAFA online during the Covid-19 pandemic phase. This study is qualitative in nature. Data were collected based on interviews of 2 respondents from Nahdhah Al Islam Integrated Kafa. The data analysis was done by narrative analysis using the coding method. The results of this study indicate that there are changes in the implementation of the management of KAFA when executed online during the Covid-19 pandemic. Challenges include infrastructure, technological skills, finances as well as time and workload. Therefore, all parties need to play their respective roles in order to address the challenges and ensure more effective learning sessions.


