Peculiarities of the Music Teacher's Work under Distance Learning Conditions


  • Zhanna Kartashova, Nataliia Ilinitska, Kateryna Ivakhova, Olha Morozova, Hanna Оzymovska


Musicians' training is based on two basic principles: theoretical and practical. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge can be carried out both in full-time and distance formats according to a certain mechanism, but several problems arise with the process of formation of skills of music-making in a distance format.

Since there is no alternative to distance learning at this stage, there is a need to determine the forms and methods of work that will not only maintain the quality of the educational process but also ensure the quality of students' music skills formation when conducting practical lessons in a distance format.

The music teacher faces the task to determine the most effective educational platform that will have minimal audio and video delay, as well as organizing work in a remote format so that the quality of education remains unchanged.

The analysis of educational platforms allowed us to determine that the allowable sound delay, defined by the International Telecommunication Union, significantly affects the process of formation of practical skills of music-making and does not allow for classes in choral singing or the preparation of the ensemble, but it does not float on individual classes.

This research showed that the attitude of music students to distance learning is not unequivocal, which is associated with the difficulties of forming practical skills of music-making, but to achieve a positive result in the formation of practical skills is possible, it just requires more responsibility from the teacher and more diligence on the part of the student.


